Tuesday, March 23, 2010


      Till the eighteenth century, one would hear the names of kings and their kingdoms.They were the people who ruled the world.They were the governing bodies.They used to decide what was to be done by the laymen and the laymen followed them.Everything they did became the trend.They used to play multiple roles of  being humanitarians,rulers,philanthropists, saviours and many more.They were the ones who acquired the vast wealth and power.They could do anything as per their whims and fancies because of the wealth and power.People would admire them.And these monarchs were found in almost every part of the world.Each region had its own king,who enjoyed the supreme power.In the eighteenth century the central power was the "QUEEN".She had all the luxuries and power.  
     But after the dawn of the industrial revolution the entire picture changed.The kings and monarchs were no longer the central powers.They were dethroned.Today, a majority part of the world has its own government while the kings/monarchs are just the acting powers.They don't have any significant power in their hands.There are exceptions to this like in U.A.E.,Jordan, Brunei etc.
     Now the major power vests with big organizations.They rule the world.They decide the ethics and values.Their owners are just like kings.They enjoy an authority equivalent to kings.They decide the latest trend.They decide the official sport e.g. Cricket is the official corporate game of India.They have all the luxuries at their feet.There are governments but basically they run the governments externally i.e. quasi by playing a passive role.They decide the policies.Different parts of world have different corporate kingdoms like Reliance in India,Microsoft and Google in America,Toyota in Japan etc.
    In short monarchy has not faded away.It has just been replaced by a better version, the version 2.0 i.e. "CORPORATE KINGDOM".KABHI SOCHA HAI???

Monday, March 22, 2010

There is nothing called "CORPORATE CULTURE"

Nowadays you all must have been increasingly hearing this word "CORPORATE CULTURE". There are more and more theories being made about how to live and follow a corporate culture. A whole new field of study has emerged out of this i.e.corporate culture. People are asked to learn the corporate way of life. We,the unfortunate students are major victims of this so called "corporate culture". We are always taught in our classes to do this, do that, stretch yourselves and learn to take pressure and blah blah blah...In the name of corporate culture people are unneccesarily being forced to face unrealistic pressures and situations.
Yesterday night I was just thinking about this "corporate culture" and i came out with surprising opinion regarding this corporate culture. As per me there is nothing called corporate culture. It just doesn't exist. After recession since companies were forced to cut their human resources, they removed people by saying that they were not fitting their culture. The jobs for freshers were also drying up. So, the HR managers of companies began to discard the freshers on the basis of their suitability to fit to corporate culture.
What I found is that for being successful you need to be as simple as possible. Nowadays the most selling thing is the simplicity.It is the most desired quality in any individual nowadays.It is with simplicity only that you can connect with the laymen. Companies are following simplicity even in their advertising campaigns also.Take example of any successful brand like Fevicol,Nirma,Pepsi etc.All of them insist on just a simple fact "sidhi baat no bakvaas" i.e. simplicity. It just strikes the chords.You can't win people by making things complex, you need to keep it as simple as possible for attracting masses. Jargons are good but only for understanding. In real life it is the simplicity that matters.
The blind run by companies towards cost cutting is another example.It is nothing but just a switch to simplicity.The measures adopted by the companies show that they are just moving towards simple processes by leaving complex ones.
At last the most sought after word during recession i.e."INNOVATION" is also a move to simplicity only. By innovating new ways of accomplishing tasks that are fast and cheaper, the companies were just simplifying the processes.
So for succeeding in professional career you need to have a simple mindset and way of thinking.If you have this then it is definite that you will attain heights.Kabhi socha hai???

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jid karo aur duniya badlo

Yesterday night i was thinking something about highly successful people. I was thinking about the differences between successful people and unsuccessful people. I gave this thing a lot of thought and finally i came out with just two points of differentiation between successful people and unsuccessful people. The results which I came out with were very surprising. They were very simple things which all of us can easily apply but we generally never give them a thought or just ignore them. The results were:
1) Courage to say “No” : This is one of the habit which we generally lack unknowingly. We in the pursuit of pleasing everyone generally don’t say “NO” to anybody. Many a times you might have came out with the situation in which your closed ones must have demanded of something, which you don’t want to do. But since he/she is your closed one, you cannot say “no”. You fear that others might get a bad feel about you or may even feel bad. But this is a total wrong myth. If you say “NO” to a justified thing then it is always right. If others are sensible enough they will understand your view point easily and won’t feel bad. This habit of saying “NO” at justifiable point of time always helps and also brings you a lot of reputation. It makes other feel as if you are a straightforward and a responsible person.
2) The other effective habit is taking responsibility and ownership of things, you are liable to genuinely. The habit of taking responsibility and ownership always helps a person to be more sincere and determined towards his/her goal. We generally lack this habit. The advertisement of Future group with Dhoni also says the same, “Jid Karo aur duniya badlo”. Apart from our workplace, we need to be responsible about the things happening in our surroundings too. Then only we can change the world. Our country is in deep need of such kind of people. Then only we can change our country.
I would like to quote an example of a railway engineer at Jalore, a small district in western Rajasthan. There is a sewerage project going on in the main city. Like all other government projects it is also going on very slowly. In the outskirts of the city, nearby railway colony as the sewer lines were being laid, a railway engineer was passing by them. He saw that the sewage pipes were cracked. Not just one or two all of the pipes were having cracks. He immediately complained this to the government contractor around. At first the contractor refused to hear anything regard this but when this gentleman complained this to the local people, a lot of people got assembled. Then the contractor felt pressurized and he accepted that the pipes were cracked and he immediately replaced them. The people also checked the piped laid down earlier and found that they too were crack. They asked the contractor to replace those crack pipes and finally he did. Thus a simple citizen like you and me, by showing a bit of responsibility towards society and surroundings can also bring a lot of change.
Thus, many a times by taking the responsibility of the things, we can achieve great heights.

So, for becoming a successful person we need these two qualities like other qualities of a successful person. These small things can bring a lot of change.