Sunday, April 16, 2023



My blog has nothing to with Congress, BJP or any other political party's ideology or has no connection with any religious outfit or mindset. Any resemblance is a mere coincidence.


    In past few years we have been witnessing an unusual usage of religious identities while performing of heinous crimes. You can see it in Udaipur's Kanhaiyalal murder case or Atiq ahmed's killing. Shouting "Allah hu Akbar" or "Jai Shri Ram" after committing crime in public seems like a cover up for the crime. The criminal gets a religious identity & this creates a herd of people supporting him/her blindly. This false glorification of crimes is creating an irreparable rift in the society which will take eons to pacify.

    Power and Rights always go along. They should both be used in a sync only. Recently criminals in some states have been punished by razing off their properties and homes by bulldozers. Last day two hard core criminals Atiq and Ashraf were shot dead by some miscreants while they were in police custody and were being taken for medical check up. These broad day killings and razing off of properties, without proper trials under our able judicial system, are being celebrated within sections of society and the governments doing this are being hailed too.But the question arises that is the government putting up a right precedent by directly razing off the properties in haste without going on with proper judicial process? Will the killing of prisoners while in police custody wont' affect people's belief in the law of the land?

लगेगी आग तो आएंगे कई घर जद में, 

यहां सिर्फ मेरा मकान थोड़ी है!

 सभी का खून शामिल है यहां की मिट्टी में ,

किसी के बाप का हिंदुस्तान थोड़ी है!!

If the criminals are properly trialed, may be in fast track courts for heinous crimes, and then be given the harshest of the punishment as per law,  would set a better precedent for the society rather then going for the on the spot judgement model. One day it would make all of us into cannibals if we follow the majority hand of law. It will collapse the belief in judiciary among people. People at the apex positions and Governments should think about it. Our judicial system is very robust. From the time of Lord Shri Ram to Raja HarishChandra to Samrat Ashok our judicial system has been very efficient and effective and people believe in it. The founding fathers of our Constitution framed the best of laws by considering and adapting the best laws from across the world. Many laws have been upgraded by the continuing governments and some even have been declared null and void, which is a sign of a healthy judicial system.

For a nation with a glorious past and a promising future these type of actions will only decay the society.Today we are on the verge of creating a history in all fields of life with the help of our rich demographic dividend. If we start following the law of the gun then all the work done since our independence will  just burn down to ashes. I urge all our leaders irrespective of their political affiliation to come forward and lead the society towards a greater tomorrow.I also urge the people to work more colletively and collaborate to shape our society for a better future.We have to understand our rights and use our power for the betterment of our lives.