Friday, August 17, 2018


Today I am starting to write once again after some 5 years. I have been thinking about it since long but Atalji's loss  compelled me to pen down something. I deeply mourn the passing away of our beloved poetic Ex-PM Bharat Ratna Shri Atal bihari Vajpayee. The best part of Atalji's larger than life figure was his poetry. He expressed a lot more through his poems than his words. Today as I join billions of people around world to mourn him there are some things, which I feel, are the best takeaways or learning's for a democratic regime from Mr ABV.
    " A Government which is strong enough to give its citizens everything, is also strong enough to take their everything."

Vajpayeeji strongly and staunchly favored and protected the right to disagree or dissent, which nowadays is diminishing. Disagreements and dissents and then positive discussions make a democracy healthy and flourishing. He regularly used to take suggestions from his opponents while in power or opposition. This quality made him a true leader among and across party lines. Vajpayees' mode of working was based on mutual respect and co-ordination among all ranks. He could take suggestions from Sonia Gandhi as well as Pranab da. He never hesitated to admit his shortcomings. Twice after his governments fall he rose like phoenix. His poetry continued to give him the support he needed whenever he failed.
     Vajpayee always followed VASHUDEV KUTUMBKAM. He never relied on hardcore extremism even being from that ideology school. He believed favoring a particular religion or sect or class would just make him go through one particular election but in the long run it would put him nowhere. History is always cruel to the one who plays with it. He also asked Modi post 2002 to follow his RAJDHARMA. He also objected the Babri Incident in Ayodhya.
  The way Atalji managed India's foreign policy post Pokhran Nuclear Tests is a benchmark. The presence of almost all the neighbors today significantly showed that. By sticking to NON -ALIGNED agenda he made our foreign policy more robust and dynamic.India really shined under his regime.
  The work done by ABV government in infrastructure field were among the highest since independence. ABV's idea of Golden Quadrilateral project and River Linking project made great impact to India's economy. His vision was exemplary. The idea Of GST first came under him only.Even today River Linking Project is under process but it would be of immense help to country.
  Vajpayee never used army or its activities for political mileage, even when he had Kargil war and and Pokhran Tests under his tenure. He totally dedicated it to Army and its valor. He tried for peace talks between India and Pakistan. He also started a bus service between the nations. He also organised Agra summit but somehow it failed. But he tried!

            You may find lot of qualities of ABV contradicting with today's Government but these were the virtues which made him lovable and respected across all parties and ranks.
     " Governments may come, Governments may go but the Nation should always be there ! "
Last but not the least the real tribute to ABV would be only by not playing politics with his demise.